A part of:


The Bob Marley Mailing List allows fans worldwide to communicate via email with each other. When you send a message to the list on any BMW related subject, the message is then sent to all the other members of the list. Hopefully, your message will spark a discussion with other members of the list, who can either respond to your personal email address, or to the list as a whole (the latter is better, as more people can get invloved). Not only does the list act as a focal point for discussion, but it also acts as a point of contact for tape traders.

The main aim of the list is to unite BMW fans worldwide, and create a network of contacts and relations which we can all be a part of.


Signing up to the mailing list couldn't be simpler. Just enter your email address into the box below and press the button!

Subscribe to the Bob Marley Mailing List

Click here for more information

Once you have signed up you will be sent an email informing you of the rules of the list, email addresses used to send messages to the list, and details on how to unsubscribe/re-subscribe. This should come to your mailbox within 24hrs of joining the list at the most.


In order to make this list any good, we need to make people aware of the fact that it exists. So, if you have a website, and are willing to put a signup box (like the one above) on your page then click here for the html code.

If you don't have a website, then just telling people about the list via email or any other form would help too. Any other help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Mail me if you can help.


It is essential that I have the backing of the wide BMW fan base in order for this list to succeed. I have seen many that have failed, but a few that have been amazingly successful. Lets hope the latter prevails.


Tom Dewey
December 1999

A HUGE thanks to James Wilson for making this work


PLEASE NOTE - This mailing list is unofficial and non-commercial. It has no links with bobmarley.com or the Marley estate. By joining, you signal you understand and accept these facts. © 1999 Tom Dewey. (...I don't like writing legal bullshit like this, but it has to be done!)

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